In today’s episode we dive into this letter from a listener:
How do you handle navigating the grief of feeling like your chronic illness has held you back in so many ways - and yet know that there's nothing else you'd rather do? I have so many ideas, so many things I want to create, and yet with my health recently being so challenging at times, I've found myself feeling stuck in the grief of not getting to do everything I want to in the timeline that I want to, and feeling like people often pip me to the post when it comes to creating new things. To the outside world I look like I create & do a lot - but in my messy internal world I often feel like I'm playing catch up and people around me are creating similar ideas to my own far quicker than I'm able to.
In this episode we dig deep into this question, share our own lived experienced as chronically ill humans, and how we try and find peace, joy, and acceptance in taking our business journey slower and gentler along the way.
This episode is for anyone who feels like you have to take your business journey slower than you sometimes wish you had to - whether that’s because of chronic illness, caregiving responsibilities, or just not being a human being who thrives at a go-go-go pace.
Would you love some encouragement and support in your business? Submit your letter for an upcoming episode here.
Letters From A Hopeful Creative is produced by Sonics Podcasts
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